I loved this song “I believe I can fly“ growing up - do you remember Space Jam and Jordan in the 90s?
The simpler times… This song made me believe in believing, 25 years and counting …
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
There is so much power in words and music that it can lift you in your dreams.
Believe in yourself - anything is possible. We are our own worst critic. Listen, feel and do what feels right to you, not anyone else. Seeking approval and waiting for recognition only takes us so far. We have to believe within. To dream and live life to the fullest every single moment.
Learn to embrace the true authentic you. You are amazing!
As I get ready for my next chapter in life, I am mindful of what I want and what I need. Life is and always will be interesting - we just need to pay attention to what is around us and what makes us happy. I am learning my body signs and if something doesn’t feel right, I am ready to pivot.
I shared the following on what I want to achieve and I believe I can do this. And it’s happening in a beautiful way. I connected with mindful souls during the interviews and opportunities unfolded in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Even a chance to be part of a mindfulness workshop almost came into being. So beautiful…
It’s exciting to think about the little habits that make me me. It’s challenging to find the balance of what I can do and what I don’t want to do. I may not fit the society norms of living life as other folks. But I can live my life my way and on my own terms. Only I need to be brave to believe I can do this. To be mindful in my own way.
Folks are big on sharing advice and telling you what and how you need to be. Don’t do this. Don’t say that. Even if it’s with good intention, it may not help at times. But only you know how you want to be. Fitting in never helped anyone.
As I read the book Smartcuts, I realize that lateral thinking is about finding paths where there are none. It’s about discovering the crux and shining on the gems of life.
As I am preparing to return to work, this is an interesting take on the idea of success and momentum.
Loved the examples of lateral thinking and breaking from the norm - The bigger or better mormon idea is fascinating.So great to read Jimmy Fallon's story - hats off to the determination and focus to be on SNL whatever it takes.
Enlightened by the story and the meaning of Mentor - brilliant!
true success has more to do with our becoming better people and building a better world while we do these things than it does with the size of our bank accounts.
Homer’s Odyssey
> He entrusted his son, Telemachus, to the care of a wise old friend named Mentor.
It was really the goddess Athena disguised as Mentor who counseled the young man through various important situations.
“Mentor” helped Telemachus shorten his ladder of success. Mentorship is the secret of many of the highest-profile achievers throughout history.
Socrates mentored young Plato, who in turn mentored Aristotle. Aristotle mentored a boy named Alexander, who went on to conquer the known world as Alexander the Great.
- Platforms, superconnector, waves and simplicity stood out for me and will shape my career and life. Folks say that I am a superconnector and truly believe my network is their network. To empower each other to new heights.
Cheers to 10x thinking not 10%!
Why aim for incremental improvements when we can propel into the unknown.
Find your peace
Have you ever wondered what is it about nature - flowers and trees that ground us and makes us feel calm and at peace. Trees have seen it all and experienced all of life’s changes and yet are the most giving.
One of my students mentioned the book The Giving Tree - it was apt and so true.
Connect with your soul
Every day your soul is speaking to you. The universe is conspiring to make your dreams come true. It is moving at the pace that is best for you.
When you look back in time, you will find the patterns. Right now, you are creating your next wave and that is the flow of life.
Waterfalls feel the same way - the gushing streams are pushing through to get to the next step in their journey of life. To move forward. One day at a time.