The first step in the world of job search
To begin again: Move forward in career and life

It was, is and will be daunting to say the least. But I knew better than to let myself get in the way. A leap forward into the future and follow my dreams and aspirations.
I decided to move forward, leave the past behind. Create a new future - new life, career, home .. the whole shabang.. scary but I want this.. not I need anymore..
It was interesting to learn about grief and how we move forward vs move on in this TED Talk.
It felt time to head back home, wherever home is after 3 years of soul searching.
I am taking a leap into the unknown and started my job search. Something felt uneasy in the past few weeks. I didn’t like to feel helpless or dependent .. the conundrum - when you have money, no time and when you have time, no money.
I had lost my smile again. I am getting better to pay attention and perhaps the universe has a plan. This is my way to find my smile and I felt it find its way back yesterday when I connected with dearest friends who are there for me. Like I matter in this world and I am loved. And I can change the path to what’s next.
I will continue to mentor and teach for my soul, and start a new life for my mind and heart. I want a new challenge to get excited again. I loved working with LiRA and coming up with solutions for the participant experience - from design to product management to product marketing. I miss collaborating with teams and gearing up for the nth product launch. I am learning to trust again and be comfortable to ask for help - it doesn’t come easy for me… part anxiety, part culture …
A few things I learnt in the past week:
Reach out to your network. Folks genuinely will help. They care about you and your wellbeing. Our self doubt can stop us. Don’t let it.
I am amazed by the love and support - my network is pulling all stops to help me. Who does this in this self centered world? Mi gente. That’s who. and I will always be there for you anytime in your career and life.
It was mind blowing when I reached out and my folks connected me with their recruiting team in days. Wow - kudos to the power of relationships. I know it’s just a recruiter call, but I am stoked. I can dream big again :)Know what you want. After 2 years of self discovery, finding my voice and confidence, asking the question of what I need vs what I want has been beyond challenging. (Thanks David Medina, for opening the conversation I was scared to find the answer. How you opened doors for me with a simple question - Need vs Want. I am starting to ask myself what I want.. and be open to the honest answer.. its nerve wracking.. I am
beingbrave and bold.)
< PS: always wanted to write as I felt and show you my reader what edit I did.. My anxiety is great to make me doubt every word. Hope you are smiling seeing the subtle difference - going from I am being brave to I am brave and bold. Trust me, this is a big step for me.>I am seeking my next opportunity in product marketing - I love PMM in my bones - I sleep, dream and breathe product marketing.
I love teaching and share my learnings and experiences with folks. Keen to explore sales enablement roles to accelerate sales momentum and growth.
I love to empower leaders and teams and ready to explore an uncharted path to lead facilitation and workshops on authentic leadership with a sprinkle of mindfulness and wellbeing.
Rejection is always hard. When you apply and get a blanket automated rejection email, not matter how nice they make it sound, its ok to feel what you feel. Then move on to the next application. Be methodical in the process.
In the world of AI and personalization, I hope hiring teams pay attention to the candidacy process and do better than this. It’s hard for me to not feel good enough, and I remind myself - the right opportunity and team is out there.And then this email below came and I smiled - it was from a person or I think it is and made me smile even though it was a no. It felt genuine even if its automated. This gives me hope. There is goodness in the world.
Focus on what truly matters. Your values are what makes you YOU. Pay attention to every conversation from recruiter to hiring manager to peers. They tell a lot about the culture and the team you want to join.
For me, the recruiter call is the most important - when I know I can have a wonderful 30 minute conversation to learn about the team and they are excited about the product - it tells a lot about the culture and what they believe in.Be yourself. It’s easy for us to try to mold into what they might want to hear. But being your true authentic self is always the best way. I love my picture perfect introduction as it shows my whole self - explorer, mentor and product marketing leader. All parts of the mosaic as Abby says in her book Yours Truly.
I know the market is challenging and I also know for each us, our right opportunity is waiting for us. Step out of your comfort zone and take a leap into the unknown. You will be amazed by what unfolds.
I am amazed by the power of manifesting an thought and idea. So, here I am manifesting my future with y’all.
Write a letter to yourself and share your deepest fears and your crazy dreams.
And believe with everything you got and make it come true. I wrote my letter to mia and it was just what I need to be me again. Smile!
Rejection is absolutely hard.
Especially soon after you've already been laid off.
Especially after you're applying to job after job, and it seems like you "should" be a good fit.
I wrote a post on why it's not necessarily your fault if you don't get hired -- and how you might think about it.
Let me know what you think!