I'm grateful for the opportunity to be amongst the wellbeing and happiness experts for the Chief wellbeing and wellness officer program by the World happiness foundation. I am eager to bring this learning into my teams, students and mentees.
We are happiest when we have a purpose in our professional and personal lives. It’s not enough to simply exist. We want not only to survive but thrive.
Reference: 5 essentials for workplace mental health & wellbeing surgeongeneral.gov/workplace
McKinsey health institute and Jacqueline brassey shared some key data to help us look at employee well-being in a different light. Thanks Jacqueline for opening our eyes to the key enablers of wellbeing.
Reframing employee health: Moving beyond burnout to holistic health with an integrated view of an individual’s social, physical, spiritual and mental health.
The sense of belonging to a team and feeling valued is priceless. It can boost productivity and drive meaning for one’s own work.
When you start a new role you don't quite know if you have found the right team. It's a belief and faith that during the interview process you were able to see and experience the team in its solidarity.
Often times you start trying to fit in. That's a mistake. Be authentic self and if your valued for what you have to provide, that's all that matters for authenticity.
When you're working on your performance goals for the year think about collaboration as a key element.
As a people pleaser I always struggled with finding the right balance of holding ground or doing what is expected of me without questioning the status quo.
Now, I'm getting better at feeling confident at the alternatives and when to challenge the status quo.
I encourage you to look at the team dynamics in your first few weeks and months in the new role. There will always be folks who are outspoken and folks who are reserved within a team.
As a team leader, it is our responsibility to create the space and foster an environment where each team member can thrive and feel like they belong.
This is where the magic happens - when the team really puts their heart and soul into what would they do and how they can support each other to be their true authentic selves. This is the best harmony and synergy one could aim for in a team.
Recently San Mateo county announced the health epidemic of loneliness - the first in the US: San Mateo County becomes 1st in US to declare loneliness as health emergency.
"This is a problem that has been building for decades in our country. COVID certainly worsened it and poured fuel on the fire. But that fire was burning before," said Dr. Vivek Murthy.
Is it mere coincidence this county is where I live? Only time will tell. As a change maker, I will do my part to make a difference.
This makes you question the dynamics of community and society at play.
As humans we are grounded by the ability to do what we love and find the opportunities to support each other.
As a mentor I'm privileged to be part of the product marketing alliance, ADP list and the various mentoring platforms to be that support and listen to folks needs.
“The best thing you can do to give back to the community and feel like you belong together” - Div Manickam
Today, I had a heartfelt conversation with one of my mentees on the disconnect between corporate america and the employee wellbeing. At first, I was scared that I am a nobody and cannot do much. But now I am convinced I can take small steps to make a difference. Butterfly effect …
As individuals, it is our responsibility to connect with folks within our teams, communities and society. That’s how we will create a world that is worth living.
I am humbled by this chance and the serendipity to read the book Project UnLonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection at the library this weekend. There is one golden nugget that I took away - creative expression and the power of community and belonging.
Which brings us to the public health impact of loneliness. For many years now, I have sought to address loneliness both as a public health issue and as a challenge to what it means to be a happy, healthy, contributing member of society, to thrive and flourish.
I believe we must begin to include creative expression throughout the life span, if only for the pure joy of it, the same way millions continue to play sports after childhood, even though they are not professional athletes. They play because it's fun and because it's good for their physical and mental health. Millions more adults need to create and share their creations for the same reasons.
"I don't feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh.
"There, there," said Piglet. "I'll bring you tea and honey until you do." - A. A. MILNEHe who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
Find sources of joy whatever that may be and devote time to practice creative expression. That is my balance - flower photography and travel / foodie videos are integral to my wellbeing and to thrive in this world of sensory and information overload. Find your creative outlet or hobby that is your time and space to breathe.