Positioning and Messaging: Heart and Soul of Product Marketing
The good and bad positioning and messaging examples - uncovering the truth in the process
Have you ever wondered what makes a good positioning and messaging?
I have and we uncovered some traits and patterns on what makes a good to great positioning and messaging. Guess what, its rooted in the core principle of knowing your customer.
And as simple as that sounds, it means a lot of work to get to the essence of product marketing - the persona and why do they care. What’s in it for them and why now?
All key elements to uncover as you bring the positioning and messaging elements to life.
A single voice of the market and the customer is necessary to build a cohesive and consistent theme for the story arc. And that ownership lies with the PMM to be the steward and advocate for the market and the customer.
Create your next product or solution messaging and positioning with Div!
Sharing some good to great Positioning and Messaging examples with you from our Product Marketing core class with PMA. And you can decide if they make the cut.
Are you ready?
What does Good Positioning and Messaging look like?
One that truly feels unique and differentiated in the market - if we all sound the same, its hard for the customer to know why to pick you you vs the million other options out there. You have been there. Have you walked past the olive oil or jam aisle on the grocery store and left overwhelmed with the choices? and don’t even get me started on the different kinds of oil - do we really need so many options from olive to coconut to grapeseed and many more?
Trust me, information and choice overload is real and it’s a problem.Check out these TED Talks on the art of choosing and you will see what I mean. I love the green tea example and the jam tasting analogy.
TED Talk |Sheena Iyengar | Art of choosing
TED Talk | Sheena Iyengar | How to make choosing easierRight message at the right place and time. When your target audience is ready, we need to be right in front of them. They need to know we exist and that we are truly what they need in that moment in time.
A powerful Positioning and Messaging narrative aka story can move mountains to get them to see that you understand their challenges and will be a trusted advisor and make it right for them every step of the way.
Good Positioning and Messaging Examples:
Starbucks - good positioning, focuses on pain points - “Authentic Coffee, Great Experience, and Delivery”
Apple iPod - 1000 songs in your pocket
And what would bad Positioning and Messaging look like? Clearly the one where you are lost in the noise and just like everyone else.
Bad Positioning and Messaging
Focused on differentiating against a competitor vs keeping the pulse on the customer
Focused on what we're not vs being clear on what we are - aspirational positioning which is ambiguous and confusing for the target persona
Bad Positioning and Messaging examples
Blockbuster & Blackberry - Failed to connect with the customer and market shifts
Traditional car company: saying "we are the best car in the world" but not explaining why or who this car is for?
And as you approach this sensitive topic within a company and team - we are good at holding onto the historical baggage. Bring a curious and open mindset and find your internal champions. Here are some questions to explore with your team. Don’t let status quo limit your true potential as a product, solution, service and company.
What is your biggest learning in positioning and messaging from your experience? What to do vs not to do?
It doesn't matter how awesome our positioning is if we don't have stakeholder alignment and buy-in from the leadership to the individual team leaders.
What is next after positioning? How do we connect the dots from idea to strategy to to execution and measure its impact on all team OKRs?
What’s the right approach to unfold the magic Positioning and Messaging and roll out the next GTM or product launch or integrated marketing campaign or website refresh?
And ofcourse, have fun - this is your best opportunity to bring product marketing to life. Enjoy and share your stories! I am thrilled to hear for you. And we are just getting started - dive into storytelling and more as you craft your signature skill.