Moonshot Goal Tracker
Discipline is key to discover meaningful work in your career and life.
Discipline is key in your career and life. You need to create the right process so that each day doesn't feel like a drag. Every step is crucial and tedious at times.
Let's be real - this is testing your patience and perseverance to the highest limits. It's defining how much you want this and how important it is for you. What are you willing to do to give it your all.
Every day is a new day. One step at a time.
Hit refresh and apply for the next task meticulously.
A moonshot goal tracker can help break the mountain into smaller chunks. This tracker that I learnt from the Fearless training program has become my life line anytime I need to put any mountainous task into bite sized work.
Writing down the intention clearly helps.
What is your moonshot goal?
Plan for the next 12 weeks. Break it into 4 week tasks and create a milestone and reward after 4 weeks. This helps to keep the morale and continue to keep the good work till you achieve your moonshot goal - to find and land your next opportunity.
Moonshot goal tracker [Template]

Step 1: Identify the most important task at hand. What is your goal that you have been putting off and want to work on next in 2023?
There is no small or big goal. Every meaningful goal matters. When I set out my personal OKRS for 2023, I knew mentoring and travel is my moonshot goal for 2023.
Step 2: Break it into weekly tasks so each opportunity is manageable.
Example: I had a goal to create 12 travel videos from Oct - Dec 2020. Here I set one video per week as my task and this allowed me to focus on just this week. And yes, some weeks it didn’t happen and so I picked up and created 2 videos the next week.

This streamlined approach sets the discipline and commitment to stay focused and do the work every week. I had set 3hours every friday to work on this moonshot goal.
Step 3: It’s important to have smaller milestones at each month mark so you can be effective in your goal setting, assess and prioritize as needed.
Step 4: Celebrate the small wins. This gives you the encouragement to continue to do your meaningful work. A walk in your favorite park or lake or savoring a dessert to celebrate is an easy way to build the momentum.
Step 5: After each month, reflect on your progress and how far you’ve come through. And your final reward after you have completed the 12 weeks / 3 months is your big celebration.

All the best in your endeavor!
You got this.