Ok, I will be honest. This idea got me thinking - where is the world headed?
Can we really pull this off as a team? And shift from market-share to mind-share…
I am hopeful and I truly believe yes, we can make this shift happen.
In the book, Collaborative Intelligence, Dawna and Angie shared how they are changing companies and teams, one leader at a time. And this gives me the confidence that we can do this too if we really care and focus on what matters.
We are all intelligent in our own way, so I am going to focus on the thinking talent aspect here vs intelligence. We have way too many acronyms already IQ, EQ and now CQ. Not sure I am ready for that yet.
What is market-share vs mind-share?
In mindshare, we think together in innovative and creative ways. We collaborate across continents and timezones and solve complex problems together. When we have ideas, the more we share, the more we have. And Influence not power is key for breakthrough.
Mindshare is a forward movement. Mindshare asks what is possible.
Market share looks at who is right or wrong. It limits our abilities and potential to reach the sky and beyond. It looks at hierarchy and topdown leadership. Now I know why this leadership style always created friction for me. I am not wired that way.
I was amazed how the Mind Patterns and Thinking Talent map helped me better understand my flow - KVA(Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory). We all assume that everyone must read, write and learn in the same way. This book helps you to understand that is not true. Find out what is your Mind Pattern and unlock your true potential to learn and focus.
KVA - Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory
Kinesthetic: I noticed that when I teach my classes on product marketing, I am full of energy when I stand. I thought it had everything to do with Amy Cuddy’s power pose. But there is more truth to that: this is how I focus best - by movement.
Visual: I always took notes when I was a student and now I know why. I am a visual learner. That’s probably also why I love to share my story in visual ways like my picture perfect introduction.
Auditory: This is my last one - I don’t really learn much or focus just by listening. That’s probably why I listen to audiobooks on Alexa and follow the words along in the book/kindle. Or I walk and listen to audiobooks. Quite an introspection on why I do what I do. Mucho Interesante!
Isn’t it interesting: how our diverse thinking talents can redefine how we think and focus even for the most mundane activities. It definitely got me thinking.
Tip: If you have folks in your team pacing during meetings. That’s ok - they are not distracted, that’s probably how they focus with movement or action.
These two thinking talents for Mentoring and Love for Learning is everything for me.
Mentoring: “What can help others grow?” Sees potential in others; every person is a work in progress; goal is to help others achieve success; searches for signs of growth in others.
Love of Learning: “What can I learn next?” Drawn always to the process more than the content of learning; energized by the journey from ignorance to competence. The outcome is less important than what is learned.
Attention, Intention and Imagination
In the book, Dawna shares how these 3 work together as the connective tissue of the mind and create an unstoppable force.
Attention connects to the present moment where you have the power to act. Being in the now and fully present, gives you the clarity and focus you need to make things happen. What are you going to do now?
Intention identifies what really matters to you. With your passion and drive, what do you love to do with full zeal?
Imagination explores how you can realize possibilities. And when you know your path ahead, what are you excited beyond words to create a vision for a future that is the world you want to live in?
The power to question is the basis of all human progress. - Indira Gandhi
Random Act of Kindness
I loved this message from Maya Angelou and she quoted Anne Herbert for this novel concept called the random act of kindness. The idea is to practice random kindness in any way you can. Next time, create a thank you card for strangers who performed a random act of kindness, and help them believe that anything is possible again.
In your next 1:1 with your team, be curious, and ask with empathy how you can foster a safe and open environment for your team members:
Tell me about a time in your past when you felt truly engaged. What were the conditions that allowed that to happen?
I am excited to bring collective intention with folks around the world and inspire collective excellence that will propel us forward, further and beyond. The challenge of every team is to build a feeling of oneness and interdependence with each other. If we can take the time to understand our blind spots, we can complement and strengthen the team and bring the best in each other.
What do you imagine could be possible if we were truly collaborating with folks standing by our side?
Let’s create moments of greatness together!